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Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Planning For The Future
There is no right time to make a will. You may feel the need when you have your first child, when you retire or when someone close to you passes away. Crafting a plan that meets your needs requires an estate planning lawyer with detailed legal knowledge, who will provide you with personalized attention.

The Law Offices of James T. Marasco has been working with Rhode Islanders from Providence to Narragansett for more than 30 years. Our estate planning lawyers have an in-depth understanding of estate law practices, which we apply to you in a way that builds the best benefit for you and your family. The goal is to protect your assets for the future. An estate planning lawyer will help you do it.

What Does A Will Do, And Who Needs One?
A will is a document that helps clarify your wishes for what will happen to your estate after your death. Wills are not just for wealthy individuals or for older people. If you have children, for example, a will can provide guidance about who will take care of them should something happen to you. In short, a will can greatly reduce the stress on your surviving family and help prevent conflicts about should happen to the dependents and estate you leave behind when you pass away.

Parts Of An Estate Plan
A will is important, but is just is one aspect of a fully realized estate plan. A well-constructed estate plan will include your decisions on:

Your wealth: There are complicated tax laws in play with this, so our estate planning lawyer will work with you to fully understand your needs and build a strategy to meet them. This will include a discussion on the differences between wills and trusts.

Your health: Your health and quality of life as you age is something you should take an active hand in guiding. You may consider appointing someone you trust with durable power of attorney or possibly consider writing a living will.

The right estate plan for you will cover these issues and in the same actions, give comfort and guidance for the people you leave behind. Choosing who to trust with your decisions and welfare when you can no longer choose for yourself is a difficult decision. It requires giving up control. It requires having in faith in another. The Law Offices of James T. Marasco wants to provide you with all the information you will need according to Rhode Island law to make the right choice. Below are few answers to the questions we get most frequently about powers of attorney.

Just takes a minute to schedule your FREE consultation! We look forward to seeing you.